Chris Neal Resume



Build and maintain local network services within a home lab using different technologies.

Active Technologies:

  • OpnSense
  • Ubiquity Edgerouter
  • Ubiquity EdgeSwitch
  • Ubiquity Wireless
  • Ubnt unifi
  • TrueNAS Scale
  • Proxmox
  • Virtualbox
  • Syslog
  • Linux
  • windows 11

Pending Technologies:

  • N/A

Decomissioned Technologies:

  • pfSense
  • snort
  • TrueNAS CORE
  • Xen/Citrix XenServer
  • Microsoft Hyper-v
  • windows server 2012
  • windows server 2016
  • windows 10
  • windows 8/8.1
  • windows 7
  • windows XP
  • windows 95
  • Ubuntu
  • centOS


Build and maintain a cyber security research lab for study of various security topics.

Active Technologies:

  • Wazuh
  • suricata
  • Config Security and Firewall(CSF)
  • ClamAV
  • RKhunter/Chrootkit
  • Nessus
  • Crowdsec
  • firejail

Pending Technologies:

  • Graylog
  • Grafana
  • kibana
  • MISP
  • openCTI
  • theHive/cortex
  • velociraptor
  • cassandra
  • shuffle
  • influxDB
  • openVAS

Decomissioned Technologies:

  • N/A